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This meal makes enough for a small country. Adam and I had two big bowls and I am freezing the rest. Freezer “take-out” is my kind of take-out. Total hands-on time for this dish was less than 10 minutes. The hardest part was not slicing my finger on the top of the cans. I failed […]
I told you… I’m going to get mercury poisoning. But, salmon was on sale and I got a huge piece that I broke up. One thing Adam will never complain about is back-to-back salmon nights. If back-to-back steak nights aren’t available. Which… living in this landing spot townhouse, while we build, we don’t have a […]
So hopefully summer is in full effect wherever you are. During the summer months, I often feel like I’m going to give Jeremy Piven a run for his money in the mercury poisoning department. I just CAN’T STOP with the seafood for dinner on these hot nights. And when you add the light and bright […]
When I was in high school, I LOVED General Tso’s chicken so much. During one summer of lifeguarding, I ate it almost daily. I thought since it was chicken, it was healthy. Well, let’s just say that by the end of the summer that swimsuit was a hell of a lot tighter than it was […]
I’m pretty sure if you add “buffalo” to anything, my mouth is going to start watering like a lunatic. Since I’ve been an incredible slacker when it comes to sharing recipes and life here… so much for resolutions… I thought I’d come back strong with these little bitties. This dish is ready in 45 mins […]
So, I’ve got to admit, now that I’ve joined society and am no longer working from home, putting together meals that take longer than about 45 mins (start to finish) gets a little tricky. However, I’m still bound and determined to put healthy, yummy meals on the table at least 4 nights a week. In […]
Have you ever heard the saying, “The things you own, end up owning you”? I heard that once from one of my Southern California hippie friends who shared a studio apartment and had lawn chairs for furniture. I might have looked down my nose at that comment a few days ago, but I suddenly understand […]
Happy New Year! I hope your new year is off to a great start. I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch for so long, but I’ve been working on something big that’s been taking up allllll my time. Drumroll…. I got a new job and Adam and I are in the process of packing up […]
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