About Me

Welcome to Lemons & Lunges!  My name is Courtney and here are a few things you didn’t know about me three minutes ago:

* I have two ridiculous dogs (Rondo and Gidget) and the best boyfriend nightly dinner bribes could buy.

* I love working out and trying new fun ways to stay in shape without realizing I’m supposed to hate burning calories.

* I firmly believe that strong is beautiful… in all aspects of oneself.

* I used to watch Julia Child instead of cartoons.  Now I’d rather create meals for family and friends than pretty much anything else in the world.

* I love to travel and explore the food (oink), culture, and people that new places have to offer.

* I’m still trying to learn how to gracefully accept compliments.  But if you tell me I’m funny, I’ll agree and we’ll immediately be great friends for LIFE.

* I’m 31 and I’m still trying to figure out how to follow my passion.  This is the closest I’ve gotten so far.  Thanks for going  on the journey with me.

* Need to contact me?  Well I don’t kiss on the first date, but here’s my email: courtney (@) lemonsandlunges (dot) com

My posse:

Adam and Courtney

   My best friend and me

photo (41)

my other best friend, Gidget


and my daily dose of laugher, Rondo (we agree, he had a head transplant)


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